eccElearning encourages collaboration and partnership with universities, research institutes and learned societies. From using the Spine Surgery Education Programme as a foundation or complement to fellowship training programmes or masters degrees, to provisioning Tutorials or leveraging the platform capabilites, there are many opportunities for working together for the benefit of surgeons and their patients.
Support for your Spine Fellows and Residents
The eccElearning online Spine Surgery Education Programme is a world class, comprehensive education resource. It may be conveniently accessed by your busy spine surgery Fellows, to support and complement your Fellowship programme.
Collaboration Opportunities
eccElearning’s background is in academic medical education. We are open to collaboration and partnership with academic and other appropriate institutions, with the aim to improve the quality, cost and convenience of the education of spine surgeons.
Group Purchase
Institutions may purchase access to the entire eccElearning Spine Surgery Education Programme on behalf of its spine Fellows. Alternatively, institutions may wish only to purchase the online Modules, and provide the face to face Tutorial content themselves.
Institutions may collaborate with eccElearning to organise face to face Tutorials for some or all Modules, in compliance with the eccElearning Tutorial format on a revenue sharing basis. Expert spine surgeons can be provided either by the institution or by eccElearning, as desired. Tutorial places can be made available to external candidates following the eccElearning online programme as well as the institution’s Fellows, to maximise financial efficiency.
Bundled Lectures
Institutions may purchase, for a discount, access to eccElearning’s Bundled Lectures programmes. These are designed to offer focused education for medical students following education programmes overlapping with elements of the spine surgery programme. Examples include orthopaedic and neurosurgery residents, radiologists, physiotherapists, rheumatologists, pediatricians, oncologists, osteopaths, etc.
Academic Qualifications
Institutions may collaborate with eccElearning to establish new academic qualifications at the Masters level utilising eccElearning content, such as an MS or MSc degree in spine surgery, spine medicine, spine radiology, etc.
Easy Integration into Your Existing Infrastructure
There are a range of possibilities for eccElearning to integrate its learning platform into your institution's current training facilities, based on your specific requirements.
Branding Opportunities
eccElearning has a high profile academic reputation and is co-branded with the leading spine academic journal, the European Spine Journal. eccElearning will consider partnerships with suitable institutions. Partnerships could include co-branding of specific education programmes to promote the recruitment of high calibre candidates to the institution's courses and research programmes.
Register with eccElearning
Sign-up and log in to the eccElearning platform. Once logged in, you can:
- Try a complete Lecture for FREE
- Find out more information about the Programme, Examinations, Tutorials, CME Credits and Lectures
- Purchase and enrol onto individual Modules
- Purchase and enrol onto the full Spine Surgery Education Programme
Register for FREE!
Register and login to the platform for more information about the course, view overview pages for all 180 Lectures, as well as view pricing information and special offers. You can also activate a Demo Lecture - one full Lecture from our Spine Surgery Education Programme. Complete the Demo Lecture successfully to obtain 3 CME Credits.
eccElearning is the world’s first comprehensive, blended online postgraduate education programme in a medical sub-speciality - spine surgery.
The course is designed to meet the demands of today's trainee spine surgeon in terms of educational rigour, quality and innovation, as well as current expectations of convenience, flexibility and cost. Fill in text Fill in text Fill in text Fill in text
eccElearning is the world’s first comprehensive, blended online postgraduate education programme in a medical sub speciality - spine surgery.
It is designed to meet the demands of today's trainee spine surgeon in terms of educational rigour, quality and innovation, but also in terms of current expectations of convenience, flexibility and cost.
The programme complements your practical training schedule and typically takes 12-18 months.
Need some help or have any questions about our courses? You can reach us via our contact form.
eccElearning Platform
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eccElearning Spine Surgery Courses
eccElearning for Institutions
Contact eccElearning
Future Business Centre,
Cambridge, CB4 2HY, UK
Contact eccElearning