How to use your PPAK
A Pre-Paid Activation Key (PPAK) is series of text characters used to unlock access to eccElearning content. Follow the instructions below to use yours:
1. On, click the ‘Log In’ button and enter your details
If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so by clicking the ‘Registration’ button
2. Once logged in, open the Menu
3. Click the ‘Enrolments and Payments’ option to go to the ‘Enrolment Options’ page.
4. Look for the ‘Use Pre-Paid Activation Key’ block and click the arrow to expand it.
On desktop browsers, the block will be on the right-hand side
On mobile browsers, the block will be at the bottom
5. Enter the PPAK text in the field that is then shown and click the ‘Activate Key’ button.
The content will then be unlocked and be accessible immediately. If there is any problem with the key or the content, then please get in contact with us.
Register for FREE!
Register and login to the platform for more information about the course, view overview pages for all 180 Lectures, as well as view pricing information and special offers. You can also activate a Demo Lecture - one full Lecture from our Spine Surgery Education Programme. Complete the Demo Lecture successfully to obtain 3 CME Credits.
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